
As a Presbyterian Church, Maleny PC is led by a team of Elders elected by the congregation to represent them. Just as a shepherd knows, feeds, leads, and protects his sheep, the Eldership of our Church is responsible for knowing, feeding, leading and protecting Aura Church.

Each of the Elders must meet the Biblical requirements found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 Even though there are different roles within the Eldership of Aura Church (Minister/Pastor, Clerk/Secretary, etc…), unlike some other churches, we do not have a hierarchy of authority. In simple terms, every elder gets an equal vote. We believe this is one of the great strengths of having a Presbyterian form of government.



Reverend Jens Norved

Assessor / Session Clerk

John Chate

Assessor Elder

Dave Roelofs


Committee of Management (CoM)

Those on the CoM are elected by the congregation, and collectively, they are responsible for focusing on the physical needs of the Church. Ideally, this splits the workload and frees up the Elders to concentrate on the spiritual needs of the Church. At Maleny Presbyterian, our CoM members are also the leaders of our various Ministry Teams. This has been done intentionally so that all our Ministry Teams are represented when making practical and financial decisions.

Due to the importance of this role, we require our CoM members to meet all the biblical requirements for Deacons (servants), as found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.